About Us

Growing Business by Growing People

 Trifecta Growth Institute believes to grow business you must grow people. We believe in equipping individuals and teams with the necessary knowledge, confidence, and tools to be successful. The way we do that is by delivering professional development with TLC (Training, Leadership, and Coaching).  

When you are ready to grow, we are here to help!


To solve the greatest challenges by inspiring powerful minds to create solutions.


Increase confidence, knowledge and understanding to bring ideas to reality and achieve established goals.

We understand business strengths and how to take advantages of opportunities. We know how to identify weaknesses and avoid threats that can destroy a business. Trifecta Growth Institute is a platform that allows us to share knowledge and provide necessary TLC for business to grow. We are not a factory just looking for quantity! We look to influence those who are willing to put the work in and break through the glass ceiling that is currently keeping them oppressed. We believe in developing leaders who will learn how to work on their business and not in their business.

Core Values

We believe in ethical practices, collaboration, and outcomes. Our values are the basis upon which we make decisions, plan strategies and interact with each other and stakeholders. The bar is set high by design and for others to emulate.

On the Straight and Narrow

Always behave with honesty, integrity, openness, sincerity, and be aboveboard. Set the standard and create an environment that others want to be affiliated with.

Be Genuine and have Passion

Be real, authentic, and open with transparency. Think out of the box and always look to improve the status quo by taking initiative when opportunity presents itself. Dedicate yourself with enthusiasm to your craft by doing the deep work necessary to stand out and be the best.

Drive Results

We maximize communication, processes and procedures to complete tasks/ responsibilities, even in the face of adversity and overwhelming odds. We are persistent, optimistic, and tenacious through and through to achieve higher results.


Value the talent, skills, time, and expertise of others. Don't set boundaries or preconceived perceptions. Be dedicated to creating an open, transparent, positive culture that promotes a collaborative environment without fear.

How We Deliver

Trifecta Growth Institute provides the necessary TLC (Training, Leadership, and Coaching) to its clients by focusing on “Six” key components.


Understanding where they are going


Ensuring they have the right talent and resources


Identifying and outlining processes and procedures


Creating a culture of transparency by positively addressing problems


Using data to gain a competitive advantage

Sound Footing

Giving the company the ability to grow

The Trifecta Approach

All business, in any industry, are based on 3 major functions:

These functions must be solid, strong and in balance for a company to survive. Trifecta Growth Institute works with organizations to ensure these three functions are sound and become a group of successes.

These three functions drive the services we offer so business owners can grow their businesses, increase their profits, and provide a positive and thriving culture. We believe in prioritizing our goals to gain the most bang for the buck. We do this by focusing our efforts on obtaining 3 successes at a time. This allows our clients to have manageable efforts and provide laser focus to grow themselves and their businesses.

Project Management

Your success hinges on effective project management.

We literally wrote the book on it.
Get your free copy today.